What’s it like to run an Ultra-Marathon, and how do you motivate yourself to finish any great challenge? Today’s post will be a little different.  In 2014, the year I turned 50, I somehow came to the notion that I

“How do you find the courage to continue?” Teddy Roosevelt once reminded us that “Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty.”  But in our struggles to achieve, that difficulty can be

How do you improve your team with an After Action Review? The After Action Review (AAR) is a deceptively simple yet powerful way to stimulate the growth and performance of any group of people.  As an organizational learning tool it

I’m building a new team; who should be on it? Often we just inherit the teams we lead, but occasionally we have the opportunity to build a new team from scratch.  How do you know who to pick?    Here

What kind of virtual team building can I do with my distributed team? We all know that teamwork is critical to getting things done through people.  Building cohesive teams is already a challenge when everybody is face to face.  But

Kennedy said that “leadership and learning are indispensable to each other,” so how do we make sure we keep learning? It’s easy to get caught up in the daily business of getting things done.  But if we’re not careful, though

The Ransberger Pivot - How to Win an Argument by Not Arguing

“Do you ever really ‘win’ an argument?” When someone says something that we don’t agree with, our first impulse is often to contradict or correct them.  They are wrong.  We are right.  Then they argue back.  The debate becomes heated,

Optimization - Surprising Lessons in Efficiency From the Ant World

“How can you optimize a system that’s error-prone?” As humans, we are fallable.  In our efforts to achieve, produce, and progress, we make mistakes, we misjudge, we stumble. Any enterprise that involves humans will, by definition, be imperfect.  But is

Problem Solving Steps - 3 Steps to Take Before You Take Any Steps

Is the first problem solving step really ‘Identify the Problem?’ If you’ve ever watched someone who is tired or emotional struggling to solve a problem, you know that somebody forgot a step in the problem solving process. People can get

Micromanagement: 7 Signs You are a Micromanager and What to Do About It

Could you be guilty of micromanagement? The micromanager has been called the bully of the business world, and micromanagement is responsible for killing motivation, eroding trust, and leading to waste and inefficiency. Yet the last person to recognize that they

Demotivation - 7 Ways You Might Be Killing Your Team's Spirit

Could your efforts to lead actually lead to demotivation? A team’s spirit means everything when it comes to productivity, engagement, and satisfaction.  But sometimes, despite our best intentions, the way we lead can become a source of demotivation. Here are

Leadership Mistakes - 3 Things to Do When You Really Step In It

What should a leader do when they make a mistake? Nobody likes to “step in it,” but leadership mistakes will happen.  What you do when they occur makes all the difference. Do these three things well, and you may end

Skills for the Introverted Leader - Six Ways to Expand Your Comfort Zone

What skills does an introverted leader need to develop? Statistically, about half of us tend towards introversion (I’m definitely one of them).  That fact doesn’t exclude us from being effective leaders. In fact, many of the traits associated with introversion

How to be a Great Boss - 9 Ways to Get a 5-Star Rating From Your Team

What does it take to be a great boss? Some bosses are more memorable than others, and some perhaps you’d like to forget.  But what does it take to be a great boss?  What distinguishes the one that people remember

How to Tell if You are Sinking or Swimming as a Leader

How can 80% of people believe themselves to be above average leaders? One of the many challenges of being a leader is knowing how well we are doing.  Are we sinking or swimming? It can be hard to really know,

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Ken Downer - Founder of RapidStart Leadership
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