Welcome to RapidStart Leadership!
- Do you want to become more influential?
- Are you a new leader and need to learn fast?
- Are looking for leadership tools to improve your game?
- Do you mentor others and want practical leadership techniques you can easily share?
Hi, I’m Ken Downer, creator of RapidStart Leadership. If you answered yes to one or more of these questions than this site is designed for you; thanks for checking it out!
What Will You Find Here?
- Free, practical, proven techniques to make you a better leader today
- Sharable tips and tactics to help others improve
- Opportunity to comment and share your thoughts with others
- Leadership Book Notes and Recommendations
- Inspirational Quotes by deceased famous people – like this one:
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.
– John Quincy Adams
How Does it Happen?
- Blog posts 2-3 times a week
- Weekly leadership videos
- Sharable posts on the RapidStartLeadership Facebook Page
- Twice-monthly email Leadership Update
- Special Offers and Opportunities
What Qualifies me to do this?
- 26 years in the US Army Infantry
- Leading units from 3 to 300 people in all kinds of environments
- 17 years learning/teaching leadership in Boy Scouts (Eagle Scout)
- Passion for the subject and desire to share what I have learned
- More detail on all that here
How do you use the Site?
Browse the menu, consult the master index, or hit one of the navigation buttons below:
Understand Power Sources, Set Goals, Build Trust, Adapt your Leadership Style…
Presentation Skills, Meeting Management, Communication Tools…
Develop Short and Long Term Plans, Solve Problems, Brainstorm…
Take Charge, Build Teams, Delegate Effectively, Motivate…
Leadership Updates and FREE eBook
But before you dive in, there’s one more thing – You should subscribe to my Leadership Updates. About every two weeks you will get an email direct to your inbox. In it you will find updates on recent posts and videos, special opportunities, and exclusive leadership content that you will not find elsewhere on the web site.
I am not an internet marketer; I won’t give away your name – it’s just between us and focused on the art of leadership. You can unsubscribe at any time, but I’m pretty sure you won’t be disappointed.
As a thank you, you will get my new eBook Develop Your Personal Power Base: 30 Tips to Becoming an Influential Leader in Your World, a comprehensive guide to preparing yourself for taking on a leadership role. It’s free, and packed with tips, stories and examples of ways of becoming more of a leader, even before you take on a formal leadership role.
Just enter your first name and email below. You’ll get your first copy of the Leadership updates immediately, as well as the link and access to the free eBook.
Thank you!
I just want to finish out by thanking you for taking the time to check out this page. My hope is that your experience here will be positive, that I can help guide you along your journey in the world of leadership, and perhaps be a friend as well.
Thank you for your support, and if you’ve made it this far, it’d be great if you wanted to say hi to me on the RapidStart Leadership Facebook Page. I’ll do my best to respond, and look forward to maybe meeting you some day.
All the best to you as you become a stronger leader!
Ken Downer