Ken Downer - Founder of RapidStart Leadership

Hi, and thanks for checking out RapidStart Leadership.
Curious about the site?  Here’s the deal:

Who Is This Guy?

BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front): A family man with over 33 years of hands-on leadership experience in a very wide variety of environments

•  26 Year career in the U.S. Army Infantry (Paratrooper, Ranger qualified, deployed, all that…)
 Eagle Scout from back in the day; former Scoutmaster
 Married over two decades, two teens keeping me on my toes
•  Triathlete (5x Ironman)
  Giving back by sharing what I’ve learned about leadership
  Focused on the basics of leadership, where good habits form
•  Site launched in September 2015
 More about me here.

What's Here for You?

BLUF:  Proven, practical tips and techniques to help you improve your leadership game

 Already over 250 Blog posts and 30 videos
•  Timing:  Typically a  new blog post every Tuesday.
•  In each you should find several actionable takeaways you can use immediately
•  Choose from one of 12 categories, or browse all the posts.

What Else?

BLUF: Sign up for the  leadership newsletter, and connect.

 For additional exclusive tools, ideas, and inspiration, sign up for Leadership Updates
 It’s twice a month email with more tips/techniques not available on the site
 Also get free access to a brief Leadership Communication course.
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•  For more posts and insights, or to start a conversation, let’s connect:

Now What?

From here you can head over to the Home Page, or check out one of the recent posts below.

Thanks for dropping in!

Ken at



Founder, RapidStartLeadership

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